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Intelligence tests
This site contains series of unique IQ tests. They may not be so accurate, but should be very fun and entertaining to do.

International Telecoms Intelligence; The Telecommunications Knowledge Centre
High-Quality Business Intelligence on International Telecommunications Companies and Markets

IQ Test Labs - free online testing.
Online free iq test - take this 10 minute quiz and get your score and testing results automatically

ITtoolbox Business Intelligence Knowledge Base
ITtoolbox Business Intelligence Knowledge Base provides the latest community-generated content from the IT market. Share knowledge with your peers and work together to form experience-based decisions.

Japan Market Intelligence
Japan Market Intelligence - market research and consulting company, with special focus on driving business success in Japan.

Jeff Vail: Energy Intelligence
Weekly Energy Intelligence Notes and articles from the Peak Oil Law Center

Keyword Intelligence, keyword suggestion for search marketing campaigns
Keyword Intelligence helps you optimize your internet marketing (search engine marketing, seo, search marketing, sem) campaigns and maximize your marketing strategy.

Language Intelligence Ltd. - Professional Language Services
Language Intelligence, Ltd. offers professional localization and translation services.

Law Enforcement Intelligence Report, newsletters, videos, seminars and interactive CD's
Provides police chiefs, detectives, prosecutors and police officers with the latest relevant information to be found on the internet in an interactive format

Lobster: Journal of parapolitics, intelligence and State Research
The magazine that take a critical look at the secret state: including MI5, MI6, FBI, CIA, KGB, NSA, DIA and the DEA, plus the British military, overseas covert operations, and the work of spies and espionage.

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